Thank you very much for this list! My son is applying to colleges now. He has very high SATs so he has many options! He saw this list and now eliminated those schools from his applications. Whew right in the nick of time too. Applications are expensive and the deadline is just around the corner!!

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I kind of chuckled seeing “Vagina” beat all those performative peckerheads, then read on that it’s now partly because it offers “an extremely narrow perspective on what it means to be a woman…” Hoooeee. Now I’m back to thinking all these nitwits are more than a bubble off center.

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I wonder if a lot of folk just don't care for the word 'vagina' (naughty!) or think the play is about a talking vagina?

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Considering that all of the individuals on the list trade on getting banned as part of their brand identity, their pathetic numbers in comparison to Eve Ensler's play indicate that they really need to step up their game. Clearly they need to work "vagina" into their schtick somehow.

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I imagine that many folks can think of synonyms for 'vagina' to use in referring to Ben Shapiro, et al.

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Interesting that many (to most) of the colleges and universities on your list also historically have highly privileged student populations. Just an observation to consider...along with all the other information.

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My nose bleeds for Ayers. He lies, denying that what his Marxist goon squads did to ME happened.

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