Time for the UnWoke to start filing a lot of bias incidents. Fave targets of the woke: White people, men, white men, Jews, Asians, heterosexuals, Christians. Report them whenever they say something racist, misandrist, anti-semitic, anti-Asian, anti-cis/straight, anti-Christian. Ask what process the report follows and what they're doing about it. If the offender offends again report them again and ask if anyone handled them the first time, and aren't they doing their job over there? You're reporting bias, and you haven't talked to Sam yet? But now he's a serial offender!

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I just learned that a close friend teaches at a school that has a "bias reporting" system where students can call out their fellow students for inappropriate comments or behavior. It's called a "bias incident" form. This is a K-8 school. So now we are teaching children to snitch on each other, to hide in the shadows of a web form.

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In other words, Hitler's Youth all over again.

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Try reading a newspaper from China. I've been there. The link below is just one example. Try to find anything in the site that expresses any doubt at all about the effectiveness of Xi and his government.

You do NOT criticize the government, not in a newspaper and not in the street, and certainly not in school. Biden almost pulled that off here, because there are tens of millions of successfully indoctrinated drones who go whatever direction they are steered.


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