It's amazing how human beings are so vulnerable to indoctrination. How easily we are manipulated. I think it's very true that whomever controls the media & Hollywood, controls the culture. Of course academia is very powerful, but it affects mostly the professional & managerial class.

My point is that the media machine that rails against racism towards minorities, has convinced many people that racism against white people is acceptable. Even more incredulous, they have convinced white people of this. Although, it appears that the majority of those convinced seem to be white women. This is certainly a generalization. However, I think this may be caused by a propensity for empathy. Another contributing factor is the increasing percentage of women graduating from universities.

It would be an interesting study to see how many groups throughout history, have turned against their own "in group" or tribe.

As a side note, I find it hypocritical that when there was a higher percentage of male graduates, feminists claimed it was due to sexism. Now that the tables have turned, feminists celebrate this disparity. Claiming it's because women are smarter or more capable. Another example of a powerful group (feminist) controlling the narrative.

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Did you use text-to-speech for that last paragraph, and forget to edit it? Because it's pretty incoherent...

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You are right! Will edit.

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Thanks again. That was truly embarrassing!

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