October 17th can’t come soon enough. Looking forward to “The Cancelling of the American Mind.”

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"Stupid is as stupid does." F.Gump

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I really like the painting included in the article. What is the source - ie who is the artist and what is the title of the work please?

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wish you would catch up. The perps don't need to be taught why it's wrong, they know it's wrong and are doing it anyway. You are shelling a hill they no longer occupy

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"“I’m sorry to tell you that Galileo Galilei could not make it because he’s under house arrest for the charge of blasphemy for arguing that the Earth revolves around the Sun.”"

THAT is complete and utter Nonsense! Read some damn History!!!

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“We pronounce, judge, and declare, that you, the said Galileo… have rendered yourself vehemently suspected by this Holy Office of heresy, that is, of having believed and held the doctrine (which is false and contrary to the Holy and Divine Scriptures) that the sun is the center of the world, and that it does not move from east to west, and that the earth does move, and is not the center of the world.”

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Why Was Galileo on Trial for Heresy?

Ryan Reeves


Sep 18, 2023

Why was Galileo put on trial for believing the sun was the center of our solar system (heliocentrism)? This video looks at Renaissance science, Copernicus, Galileo, and the Inquisition that put Galileo on trial.

Further reading:

"Galileo Goes to Jail and Other Myths About Science and Religion": https://amzn.to/3raH9cm

"A Little Book for New Scientists": https://amzn.to/469UO2F

Long story short. Galileo got into trouble basically because he was..well A jerk. He was always suing or being sued. His buy Pope Urban viii had finally had enough, an turned him over to the Inquisition with a word telling them to tread lightly.

It appears to me you have bought into the popular unhistorical Narrative.

The Renaissance is an offshoot of one of my Obsessions The Early Middle Ages.

I actually kind of know what I'm talking about. Give me a big history book an I'm like a fat kid in a candy store with moms credit card.

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There is subtext for all human behavior. I don't think anyone would argue that practicioners of cancel culture do so purely out of reverence for the dogma they happen to subscribe to. So your comments do not, in my opinion, contradict Lukianoff's portrayal of Galileo's treatment by the Catholic Church.

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This is one of my Hot Button issues and so I get (more than) a little sarcastic (its a fault). The idea that Faith & Science are enemies, and Galileo was Martyred by the Catholic Church. Simplistic Nonsense.

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Yeah, sure. Let me know when the church decanonizes ANYTHING. lol

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It appears (and I Could Be Wrong) you are not a Big Fan of The Catholic Church (or even a Christian).

1. The Roman Catholic Church has been around for 2000(?) years. In that time you can easily find The Best & The Worst of humanity.

2. You do understand the civilization we live in is based on the Christian Faith (Actually I prefer Judeo-Christian Faith)? The way you think,what you consider right, wrong, true false, all come from that Belief system

What does Christianity have to do with Human Rights?

Jan 2, 2022


Over the past 2,000 years, Christianity has shaped the west into a free and prosperous society. The left and out popular culture seems to have forgotten this fact but there's plenty of reminders. Author Tom Holland and Drew point out the many historical impacts Christianity has had on western culture.

More if you are interested.

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