The fact that they clearly understand the dangers of a Trump administration doing exactly what they, themselves are currently doing is prima facia evidence that they absolutely understand the game. They just believe they can stay on the powerful side forever. Any elementary school student of history can tell them that's not possible in a free society. (Hence, they cannot allow this society to be free....)

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Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence, especially regarding Democrats

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I think that adage needs an update: "Usually ascribe to Malidiocy that which appears merely malicious or incompetent." Embrace the diversity within the Craptocracy.

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We already know democrats are full to the brim with malice. They demonstrate it daily.

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Meh. You have to be a pretty rabid partisan to believe that across the board. Breathtaking stupidity, sure. Malice, that’s actually pretty rare in my observation.

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You don't get out much, obviously. But I get why you leftists stick up for each other.

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Thank you for the clear and concise example of what actual malice looks like.

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Well done. It’s indeed unfortunate you had to come face to face with the really depressing, establishment capture of the Democrat party. I know so many people my age that were principled Democrats that stood for something and the betrayal of their votes by bought and paid for politicians like Goldman is just sad. I hope that the rank and file Democrat starts to see how they’ve been duped by a party establishment that is all about Corp interests by the ‘boogie man’ strategy (aka orange man bad). The GOP voters have largely woken up to this in their own party.

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Don’t be discouraged. People are listening, and every person with the courage to speak up gives others more courage to do the same.

Keep telling the Truth. It is working.

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Thank you, that is very helpful after a discouraging day

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It should also be said your opening statement is something you can be proud of entering the Congressional record. 😉👍😎

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Thank you! It was precisely what I wanted to say

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Thank you for feeling and acting upon the moral imperative to call Goldman out. He's been... egregious in his consistency on this topic and a variety of adjacent ones. 👍😎

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Wow is the word that sticks in my mouth. In a good way: bravo on those opening remarks and for telling a congressman that they weren't taking the conversation seriously.

And then in the...holy crap kind of way. You've given me more to chew on.

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Great work. A must read. As a longtime journalist, it would be insane to let regulators and regulation run the show. Also, we can’t trust AI companies to control how it is ultimately used. What is the solution? Is there a way to create a nonprofit to overcome or add value in some way? If so, who funds or manages that and how much power does the organization hold? You can easily see that most politicians will (and are) using this to benefit themselves. Control is deeply ingrained in their genes.

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Your opening statement was splendid. Keep on rockin'!

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New revelations being called "The Amazon Files." Govt pressured AMZ to pull or de-emphasize Covid-skeptical books: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/feb/5/biden-administration-pressured-amazon-censure-book/

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I know enough about you to know you are an intelligent person, so I can only conclude that you are naïve beyond belief. For you to say you are concerned about free speech but then identify as someone on the same side of the fence as the Dems is...oxymoronic in the extreme. It literally makes no sense, as the Left, all thru history since the middle of the 19th century, has been about censorship and silencing, even with violence, political opponents.

But as I and many other wise folks have been saying about Leftism/Liberalism/Progressivism and generally supporting Democrats, it all comes down to being able to f*** whoever one wants, whenever one wants, and not have any guardrails whatsoever when it comes to sexual behavior. This attitude leads to chaos and destruction which we are watching happen right before our very eyes.

It leads to statements by a nominee for the SCOTUS like this one, (I paraphrase) "I cannot define what a woman is because I am not a biologist." It leads directly to 70 or more genders. It leads to children being groomed or influenced to question their sexual identity at an age when they can't legally do much of anything.

This attitude of complete sexual libertinism leads to death. As a culture, we are dying.

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It is no surprise to me that AI already has a democrat leaning bias. Most of the democrats in congress are failed lawyers, who are overwhelming liberal. Democrats control the media, most of academia, and of course the denizens of sillycon valley are democrats too.

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Dear Greg, I am Italian. I just asked chat gpt to make poems about Giorgia Meloni (right, government), Elly Schlein (left, opposition), Trump and Biden. I asked it to do that both in Italian and English. It performed the tasks. Is it maybe some restriction posed to US residents? It would not be the first time that tech companies change parameters according to languages/countries.

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