Doesn't your description of hysteria track 100% with what is happening in Britain and Germany right now? I'm not so worried about the US since we seem to have turned a corner with new leadership and we have a strong Free Speech tradition enshrined in our Bill of Rights, but Europe seems to be rapidly descending into a new Dark Age!

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There is a terrific book that takes up many of the sociological issues attendant on the growth of printing and literacy in early modern Europe. It's called 'St. Augustine's Bones,' by Harold Stone.


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Henry VIII probably ate lamb legs rather than turkey legs. IF any turkeys had been sent to Europe by then they would have been very few and also turkeys were much smaller in those days.

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You’re right! Good point!

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Congratulations Greg. You gave a very inspirational speech. I am going to give a link to it to my students.



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Bravo, these are great points (hadn't been thinking of Henry VIII lately) and well said!! And they continuously need saying.

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