FIRE’s ‘Top Ten Worst Censors’, Rikki on Mike Rowe’s podcast, and more!
Bringing you the latest free speech news (2/18/2024)
Story of the week
This week, FIRE released our “Top Ten Worst Censors” list. In alphabetical order, they are:
Book censors
California Community Colleges
Florida state officials
Hypocritical university admins
The Marion County Police Dept.
The Mayo Clinic College of Medical Science
Muirlands Middle School
New York state officials
San Francisco State University
The Texas A&M University system
For more info on this list which shall forever live in infamy, check out FIRE’s website.
This week in ERI
This week in FIRE’s blog
FIRE’s annual Spotlight on Speech Codes report reveals 85% of colleges restrict protected speech by Laura Beltz
FIRE to Supreme Court: Stop government bullies from intimidating social media platforms by Abby Smith & Bob Corn-Revere
Cornell falls short with new expression policy and guidance on faculty political speech by Jessie Appleby
FIRE’s ‘So to Speak’ podcast
CJ Hopkins compared modern Germany to Nazi Germany. Now he's standing trial:
‘Canceling’ update
Rikki Schlott talks ‘Canceling’, social media, and dropping out of NYU among other topics on “The Way I Heard It” with Mike Rowe:
Rikki and I also appeared on
’s “Psychology” podcast:
TV show of the week!
Patriot on Amazon Prime. Don’t let the title fool or bore you. This show sucks you in and just gets better as it goes on. Sad it only got two seasons but it made those two seasons count! And I am Congressman Cool Rick’s biggest fan.
Was the cover image AI generated ? The fingers are Uber-weird !
Thanks Greg. You are a hero and real patriot.
I wonder what you have to say about Tuckers interview with Mike Benz. Lots to unpack there.